FPC has a strong family focus and we have several young families in our congregation. We have embraced a family-focused ministry for our children, youth and families. Pre-2018, our focus was more on individual groups of children’s Sunday School and Jr. & Sr. High Youth Groups. Today, we continue to offer Sunday School for children through 6th grade, but our Youth Groups have now merged to combined events of babies, children, youth and parents. See the Events page for any upcoming activities.
Presbyterian Women & Guilds
All women who are members of our church are members of the Presbyterian Women (PW). PW began in 1872 when the General Assembly of the Church asked women to raise money to support women missionaries in the field. The purpose of the PW is to support local, national and international missions; support church improvement projects; and build bonds with one another and the larger community by sharing Christ’s love. The Sage Guild meets regularly for Bible studies and fellowship. Meeting dates/times are posted to the Calendar on the Events page.
Tie-Dye Events
We strive to make the world a brighter place and we believe that tie-dying is one way to do so! We host annual free tie-dye events where we supply everything but the materials to dye. Tie-dye event dates and times are posted to the Events page.