Whether part of our Sunday service or at some other time in your week, contributing your gifts and offerings is an act of worship so that we may be a blessing in this world. Here are various ways you can give. Thank you so much for supporting the ministries of First Presbyterian Church of Morrison!

Gifts can be mailed to:
First Presbyterian Church
100 E Lincolnway, Morrison IL 61270
You can give during the offering time at any of our worship services. You can also drop off a donation at the church during office hours.
We always pass an offering plate during our Sunday worship services.
Money can be donated to the church any time for any reason. It is especially important to remember the church in your will, to help continue to financially support the church even after you have begun your new life with Christ. Also, it is proper to honor those who have joined the Church Triumphant by making a monetary donation in their name. All memorials are managed by the Session (the governing leadership body of the church). Memorials can be for a designated purpose or for unspecified use. For more information, please contact the pastor.

Make one-time or recurring contributions through PayPal.