Click on the date below to view and print the bulletin for that Sunday's
worship service. You can use the bulletin to follow along during live streamed
service on our Facebook page each Sunday at 10:15AM or on our YouTube Channel each Monday morning. (Services are also archived for later viewing.)
January 19 - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
January 12 - Baptism of the Lord & Communion
January 5, 2025 - Epiphany of the Lord
December 29 - 1st Sunday of Christmas
December 22 - 4th Sunday in Advent
December 15 - 3rd Sunday in Advent
December 8 - 2nd Sunday in Advent
December 1 - Hanging of the Greens
November 24 - Christ the King Sunday
November 17 - 26th Sunday after Pentecost
Worship Audio
Listen to pre-covid worship services on Nimbit.
Click on the “Store” tab to find services, which you can download or stream.
Worship for All
Worship at the First Presbyterian Church of Morrison, IL, is traditional. Worship begins at 10:15AM each Sunday and worship service videos are uploaded to YouTube on Monday. Music is accompanied by our wonderful pipe organ, as well as a parlor grand piano and Clavinova.
There is a “time with the growing church” every Sunday, giving the children a special opportunity to learn and be part of the worship service. A nursery is available upon request. Holy Communion is served monthly on rotating dates.
As God welcomes all, so do we. All are welcome to attend our services. We invite you to come as you are. Feel free to wear a three-piece suit or a dress and sun hat; or show up in flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt. Coffee, hot tea and hot chocolate (seasonal) are offered for you to take into the worship service during our 10:15AM services. Join us for a time of fellowship after all services at coffee hour in the basement dining room.
Special Additional Worship Services:
Christmas Eve (4PM, family-oriented service)
Ash Wednesday (7PM, with imposition of ashes)
Maundy Thursday (7PM, with Communion)
Good Friday (7PM, Seven Last Words of Christ)